Meet Emma McHale

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Coming from the bustling streets of Atlanta, GA, to the tranquil and historic 123-acre wooded campus of Rhodes, Emma McHale found a place like no other. "When I stepped onto Rhodes’ campus, I felt at home. I felt really safe and just welcomed," Emma shares. Her story is one of exploration, growth, and the rigorous academics that define Rhodes.

A Liberal Arts Education Tailored to You

But Emma's journey didn't stop at academics. "I'm on the tennis team. I'm in the orchestra here. I did some chemistry research. And honestly, just being able to do all those things here is amazing because I know that not a lot of people at different schools would have the opportunity," she adds. At Rhodes, you'll find opportunities beyond the classroom, allowing you to grow in ways you never imagined. You'll find a community that nurtures your curiosity and helps you become the best version of yourself.

Priority Application Deadline: December 1st


Time is of the essence. The Priority Application Deadline for Rhodes is December 1st. Don't miss your chance to attend a top college offering a transformational education experience.

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